June 22, 2007

a new rabbit

hi every one i am sorry that i have not posted lately its coz i have been really busy but i have a really good thing that happened to me.

today my dad bought me a new rabbit be coz i have been wanting it for weeks i wanted it for matsu so he can find a rabbit to play with so my dad surprise me with it but unfortunately i didn't like it coz it looked horrible my dad said it was coz it just had baby rabbits but still i dont like it but i really need every bodies help coz i dont know what to name her so thats why i need ur help but there is one rule it is that the name has to be a vary horrible name :) sorry i couldn't get a pic of here coz she is so scared of people but as soon as possible i will post one :)



Anglo-Libyan said...

Mabrouk the rabbit dear fatboy :o)

I think when we see her picture it would make it easier for us to choose a name :o)

there is an American series on TV here and its about an ugly woman called "Ugly Betty" that would be my choice for a name :o)

DaMoon said...

cubby boyyy and another post
wow a bunny!!!! good for u, nebe wa7id 7atta ane...lol wat color is it? I had a bunny once and named him Mocca because he was brown, and yes take a pic and post it for us :o)
good to see u back and blogging dear cubbyboy:o)

fatboy said...

anglo: allah ebarik feek i have been trying but no use today inshalla i will get one and ugly betty nice name :)

damoon: hey if they have baby bunny i will give u one how about that :) and her clour its mixed i really cant tell what clour it is

DaMoon said...

okkkkk chubby boy I am waitingggg for 2 things (honey wax and a baby bunny) that would make my life so wonderful...yallah hurry get on ur bike and bring them to me :o)

fatboy said...

ok damoon as soon as i get the babys u will find on ur door step (where ever that is) :)