libya is suppose to be my country and i am suppose to love it but libya is a really shity country and do u want to know why? i hate libya because today the saheefa came out and i passed mumtaz and i am suppose to be happy right but no because i am suppose to be one of thee top people on the school and i am suppose to be 10th but one of the kids parent thought that he could pay the school money and the school put that boy 5 on school i mean could it get worse than these how would u feel if that happened to u and how do i know that his parent payed the school because he didn't answer a thing in the exam and i know that because he was with me in the lajna and i really really really hate libya the stuipd wasta country that i live in were u cannot do any thing with out having a wasta really wean i become big enough to live by my own i swear i am going to go back to Newcastle,England i know that i know i am going to ninth grad ya ya but i just hate my country
you have every right to be angry but you should only hate WASTA and the system, dont hate Libya, our beloved country has nothing to do with these rotten people.
good luck and MashaAllah well done for what you acheived :o)
thank u so much for that anglo-libyan ok ur right i should hate wasta not libya
and hey i really like ur blog anglo-libyan
well said fatboy I can understand your anger very well.. i am an angry person myself sometimes :P :P but I try to sweeten myself up hehe..
anyways mabrook in your results.. you are showing us that one can be 'momtaz' even with people like that in our country..
remember son if all the other good boys like you felt the same way all the good people would go :) right?
maybe they tell you you are too young to be responsible yet and still have to live your young life but I think you are one of those clever ones who will understand reponsibility and grow into inshallah..
like Anglo said.. why channel your hate at people?.. its not nice.. channel it at what they do instead :)
Salam fatboy
hey mani thanks for the insight u made me feel good :)
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