June 28, 2007
a_akaks chalange
sorry guyz and girlz i couldnt get a pic of my desktop coz the usb port in my computer is not working but here is the pic

Today wheal i was surfing the net i saw this article i thought i was really wearied i think u should read it http://science.howstuffworks.com/synesthesia.htm
and this article may be cool to some people but bad to other and i did not think that they we do sutch article http://home.howstuffworks.com/lock-picking.htm
and this article may be cool to some people but bad to other and i did not think that they we do sutch article http://home.howstuffworks.com/lock-picking.htm
June 26, 2007
June 22, 2007
a new rabbit
hi every one i am sorry that i have not posted lately its coz i have been really busy but i have a really good thing that happened to me.
today my dad bought me a new rabbit be coz i have been wanting it for weeks i wanted it for matsu so he can find a rabbit to play with so my dad surprise me with it but unfortunately i didn't like it coz it looked horrible my dad said it was coz it just had baby rabbits but still i dont like it but i really need every bodies help coz i dont know what to name her so thats why i need ur help but there is one rule it is that the name has to be a vary horrible name :) sorry i couldn't get a pic of here coz she is so scared of people but as soon as possible i will post one :)
today my dad bought me a new rabbit be coz i have been wanting it for weeks i wanted it for matsu so he can find a rabbit to play with so my dad surprise me with it but unfortunately i didn't like it coz it looked horrible my dad said it was coz it just had baby rabbits but still i dont like it but i really need every bodies help coz i dont know what to name her so thats why i need ur help but there is one rule it is that the name has to be a vary horrible name :) sorry i couldn't get a pic of here coz she is so scared of people but as soon as possible i will post one :)
June 16, 2007
my fourth day as a teen

today is my fourth day as a teen the day started with me waking up at 12:30 i didn't have breakfast but i had lunch at 2:00 and then i went to the super market to buy some ice cream for the family then at 3:30 i went to al shabab club its apart of a fitness program that i started i came home at 5:30 then i washed up and sat down to read a massage book that i have then at 7:00 i told my self that i want to do some think interesting so i got my bike and cruised benashoor and al hadba al khadra and visited all of my relatives and then at 9:15 i came home and believe me on the streets u will get people that ask you about taking your bike and visiting a girl with it yeh it really happened and you will get cars trying to hit u really a Young guy tried to hit me and last but not least u will get stared at and this is my day today it was really fun u know cruising around and i really wish that there was a road just for bikes and i just want to say ypeeeeeeeeeeee i am a teen :)
June 12, 2007
Happy birthday for me
today is the most important day in my life but i am not sure that i am going to celebrate it because my dad has lots and lots of work and my has a funeral to go to and she has to stay there all day because its one of here relatives and my sis is working too and my other sis has gone to a party well it doesn't mater about my second sis because i don't like here but i really i wish that my parents do not have any thing to do but this is life:(
June 10, 2007
A Gift From Heaven
A Gift From Heaven
around and the honey starts to splat at the edges and there is a place were the honey comes out

and these are the frames
and this is my dad uncapping the honey comb
it is kind of funny this much of hunny from one colony being raised in shar3 Jraba!
believe me this stuff is so good no other hunny comes even close i tasted hunny from italy, china, australia, canada, spain, but nothing is as good as our tripoli hunny:)
we get enough to last the whole year and give some to our friends, it is that time of the year when my Mom makes Basbusa with 100% hunny and nuts of peachs YmYm.
June 7, 2007
my dad suggested that i take up an english course during the summer break to improve my english so we checked this school not far from where we live so i went there and they gave me an accement test and they sigined me up for a course that starts later this month and i am so exited to start the course especielly that i will be thought by the legendary abla khadija
today at 2:30 I attended the end of school ceremony atAsbaha al Subhu school OK actually they invited me to give a speech on stage, an English speech and the ceremony was made for the top people on school so my teacher called me on my cell phone and said : that was going to be a end of school ceremony at school and that she wanted me to do an English speech for the guests so i said: why not? so i went and when i was there i was so angry (because the ceremony was for the top people on the school) so we waited for the guests to arrive and my prob was that we were suppose to be practicing our lines but no , they tolled us to get the people some chairs i mean come on, so we went and got them. el mohem the guests arrived and i was like who is the mysterious guest and every one was like me too and the guest was prararar the leaders son Sayef el Eslam every one was clapping and some people even stood up so the ceremony started off with my friend first, he read a Sura of the holy kuran and next a girl came on stage and greeted the guests and arter that it was my turn and boy was i scared i was as cold as a lolly pop so i went one stage and read the speach and all of the TV cameras were pointed at me so finished my part and every body was clapping for me and then a boy read a poem about the teacher and then mister sayef gave out the presents to the top 3 people on school in each year and then the ceremony ended by taking pictures of the children and sayef al eslam and you can see it on AL jamahirya TV channel and i got a present for doing the part it was a chess board and they gave out food and drinks but me and my friends didn't get any because we were gating our presents and when we got them all the food was finished but i had a good time and that s what counties but i am still sad about the food but dad bought me the same thing that they were serving they were serving all kinds of pop drinks and some pizza and a chocolate muss
i was going to upload a picture but there is a problem with the blogger
i was going to upload a picture but there is a problem with the blogger
June 6, 2007
i really hayet libya

libya is suppose to be my country and i am suppose to love it but libya is a really shity country and do u want to know why? i hate libya because today the saheefa came out and i passed mumtaz and i am suppose to be happy right but no because i am suppose to be one of thee top people on the school and i am suppose to be 10th but one of the kids parent thought that he could pay the school money and the school put that boy 5 on school i mean could it get worse than these how would u feel if that happened to u and how do i know that his parent payed the school because he didn't answer a thing in the exam and i know that because he was with me in the lajna and i really really really hate libya the stuipd wasta country that i live in were u cannot do any thing with out having a wasta really wean i become big enough to live by my own i swear i am going to go back to Newcastle,England i know that i know i am going to ninth grad ya ya but i just hate my country
June 5, 2007
an animal lover

i am an animal lover i really like pets i use to have 2cats,bees,pidgin,chameleon,hedgehog,caterpillars,chicks,chicken,and now i have a rabbit and two goldfish
there names are besha and tama tama was a black and whit cat i toke it to the vet to give it a shot but the Doctor killed her i don't know how but after the doc gave here the shot she died
and besha will she lived with us along time and she use to fight away all the other cats and dad use to feed her lots of sardines but she died because on one of the fights she got scratched and the scratched got infected and she died
there names are besha and tama tama was a black and whit cat i toke it to the vet to give it a shot but the Doctor killed her i don't know how but after the doc gave here the shot she died
and besha will she lived with us along time and she use to fight away all the other cats and dad use to feed her lots of sardines but she died because on one of the fights she got scratched and the scratched got infected and she died
on the roof off my house we have bee nests were they live they produce lots of honey i like it and i think it tastes Delicious better than the that u find in the market i couldn't take picture of them because its kind off dangers .
i found this pidgin on the floor in my garden it was Harte so i toke it and feed it so it cloud get better so it stayed with me along time but then it died and i barred it in my grand dad garden and the red arrow shows were i barred it
we use to have one but i lost it in my garden will they change colors so its hard to find them
i had a hedgehog it was in my garden but i lost it two .
will i was in England and that was like 4 years ago i had a friend called Daniel and we use to collect them and they tern into cocoons and then into butterfly's.
2 years ago i had an idea to have chicks i had 6 chicks and 5 were yellow and one of them was black i use to like them so much and they use to like the sun so much so i use to put them in a place were no cat can eat them but one time a really clever cat found them and eat them and i only found a heart of one of them on the floor.
after 6 months i bought 2 chicken and a rooster they lived in the garden they made eggs every day Arabic eggs and it was Delicious but they were disgusting so i sold them
well u know matsu his my rabbit
there names are sam and pam i really like them and i change there water every day .
and know all of these are my pets and i am hoping to buy a hamster and a parrot
June 4, 2007
a medieval dream

today i hade a medieval dream it was so complicated I dreamed that i was a medieval knight fighting in a battle it was between the English and the Scottish and i was an English knight and the leader of the English the Scottish leader was were very smart and he had an excellent plan it was that he made his soldiers hide in the forest and sense i was an angry no caring English leader told the archers to burn the forest down by throwing fire arrows so the Scottish could burn to death and to make sure that the Scottish wouldn’t escape from the other sides of the forest i ordered my cavalry to surround the forest but the Scottish leader had a hiding place underneath the ground that i did not know about so after the part the forest burned down my troops were cheering and singing because they thought that they won and the Scottish have lost so i led my troops to anic castle and the hole castle parted and the Scottish waited until every one was asleep and then infiltrates the castle and started to kill and slotted every body so i gathered what was left of my troops and we went to the inure castle so i told the archers to get on the inner castles walls and the knights to hold the doors closed and the spear men to throw there spears and then the Scottish all killed but the leader was still alive so I got on my horse an followed him and caught him and chopped his head off and then I woke up in my bed.
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